October 22, 2024

Thomas McNeilly

Jesus Christ is King

What is Psalms 40 and Psalms 16:9

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1I waited patiently for the Lord, and he turned to me and heard my cry for help.Ps 27:14; 34:15; 37:7 2He brought me up from a desolate40:2 Or watery pit, out of the muddy clay,Ps 69:2,14; Jr 38:6–13 and set my feet on a rock, making my steps secure.Ps 27:5; 37:23 3He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.Ps 33:3 Many will see and fear, and they will trust in the Lord.Dt 13:11 4How happy is anyone who has put his trust in the Lord and has not turned to the proud or to those who run after lies!Jb 23:11; Ps 84:12 5 Lord my God, you have done many things — your wondrous works and your plans for us; none can compare with you. If I were to report and speak of them, they are more than can be told.Jb 5:9; Ps 71:15; 139:17–18 6You do not delight in sacrifice and offering; you open my ears to listen.40:6 Lit you hollow out ears for me You do not ask for a whole burnt offering or a sin offering.1Sm 15:22; Ps 51:16; Am 5:22 7Then I said, “See, I have come; in the scroll it is written about me.Lk 24:44 8I delight to do your will, my God,Ps 119:16,24; Jn 4:34 and your instruction is deep within me.”Ps 119:11; Heb 10:5–9 9I proclaim righteousness in the great assembly; see, I do not keep my mouth closed40:9 Lit not restrain my lips  — as you know, Lord.Ps 22:22,25 10I did not hide your righteousness in my heart; I spoke about your faithfulness and salvation; I did not conceal your constant love and truth from the great assembly.Ac 20:20 11 Lord, you do not40:11 Or Lord, do not withhold your compassion from me. Your constant love and truth will always guard me.Ps 36:5; 57:3; 61:7 12For troubles without number have surrounded me; my iniquities have overtaken me; I am unable to see. They are more than the hairs of my head, and my courage leaves me.Ps 38:4; 65:3 13 Lord, be pleased to rescue me; hurry to help me, Lord.Ps 70:1 14Let those who intend to take my life be disgraced and confounded. Let those who wish me harm be turned back and humiliated.Ps 35:4,26; 63:9; 70:2 15Let those who say to me, “Aha, aha!” be appalled because of their shame.Ps 35:21,25; 70:3 16Let all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; let those who love your salvation continually say, “The Lord is great!” Ps 35:27; 70:4 17I am oppressed and needy; may the Lord think of me. You are my helper and my deliverer; my God, do not delay.Ps 86:1; 109:22 Therefore my heart is glad and my whole being rejoices; my body also rests securely. https://temtube.com/ #subscribe #bible #bibleverse #newvideo