What is Psalms 119 vs 89-96 LAMED and Romans 8:18

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LAMED 89 Lord, your teaching will always be there. You keep it safe in heaven. 90You continue to show that people can trust you, from one century to the next. You have fixed the earth in its place, and it will remain. 91It is by your command that all things continue. You have put them there to serve you. 92If your Law had not made me happy, I would have been sad until I died. 93I will never forget your rules, because you have used them to give me life. 94I belong to you. Please save me! I have respected your rules. 95 Wicked people are ready to kill me, but I think carefully about your teaching. 96I have learned that all things will come to an end, but your commands have no end. During this time now, we have troubles and pain. But I am sure that these troubles are not really very great. One day God will show us all the great things he has prepared for us. That will make the troubles that we have now seem very small. https://temtube.com/#bible#bibleverse#subscribe

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