HETH 57 Lord, you are everything that I need. I promise to obey your rules. 58I ask you, ‘Please, please take care of me. Be kind and forgive me, as you have promised to do.’ 59I have thought about the way that I live. I have decided to return to your teaching. 60I will be quick to obey your commands. I will not be slow to do that. 61Wicked people try to catch me in their traps, but I will not forget your Law. 62I get up in the middle of the night to praise you. I thank you for your fair rules. 63I am a friend of everyone who respects you, and who obeys your teaching. 64 Lord, your faithful love is everywhere! Please teach me your commands. Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Many people are ready to believe God’s message. They are like crops in the fields at harvest time. But there are very few workers to bring in the crops. https://temtube.com/#bible#bibleverse#subscribe
What is Psalms 119 vs 57-64 HETH and Matthew 9:37