What is Psalms 107 and Nahum 1:7

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1Thank the Lord because he is good. His faithful love for his people continues for ever. 2Everyone that the Lord has rescued should tell others. Tell them how he has rescued you from the enemy’s power. 3He brought his people from foreign countries. He brought them together from the east and the west, from the north, and from the south. 107:3 ‘from the south’ or ‘from the sea’. 4Some of them travelled through the wilderness on a road that went nowhere. They did not find any city to live in. 5They were hungry and thirsty. They were very weak and nearly dead. 6Because of their trouble, they called to the Lord for help. He rescued them from their troubles. 7He led them along a straight road, to arrive at a city where they could live. 8So God’s people should thank the Lord because of his faithful love. They should thank him for the great things that he does for people. 9He gives drink to people who are thirsty. He gives plenty of good things to hungry people. 10Some people sat in a completely dark place. Iron chains held them as prisoners, and they were very sad. 11They had refused to obey God’s commands. They did not accept the teaching of the Most High God. 12Because of that, God caused them to become weak from very hard work. When they fell down, nobody would help them to stand up. 13Because of their trouble, they called to the Lord for help. He rescued them from their troubles. 14He took them out of the completely dark place. He broke away the chains that held them. 15So they should thank the Lord because of his faithful love. They should thank him for the great things that he does for people. 16He broke bronze gates into pieces and he cut through iron bars. 107:16 The metal gates were the gates of the prison. The bars were also pieces of metal. They covered the windows and they stopped people getting away. See Isaiah 45:2. 17Some people became fools and they turned against God. They had trouble and pain because of their sins. 18They did not want to eat any food, so they nearly died. 19Because of their trouble, they called to the Lord for help. He rescued them from their troubles. 20He sent his word to them and he made them well again. He rescued them from the deep hole of death. The Lord loves those who believe him. When they are in trouble, they can put their hope in God. https://temtube.com/#bible#bibleverse#subscribe

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