Lamentations 3 we should think about the way we are living 40Instead, we should think about the way we are living, and turn back to the Lord. 41When we lift our hands in prayer to God in heaven, we should offer him our hearts and say, 42“We’ve sinned! We’ve rebelled against you, and you haven’t forgiven us! 43Anger is written all over you, as you pursue and slaughter us without showing pity. 44You are behind a wall of clouds that blocks out our prayers. 45You allowed nations to treat us like garbage; 46our enemies curse us. 47We are terrified and trapped, caught and crushed.” 48My people are destroyed! Tears flood my eyes, 49and they won’t stop Psalms 42:11 Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.
We should think about the way we are living Full Video