Numbers chapter 24 Balaam predicts Moab’s destruction
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1Balaam saw that it pleased the LORD to bless the Israelites, so he didn’t go as the other times to seek omens. Instead, he turned toward the desert. 2Balaam looked up and saw Israel camping by tribes. Then God’s spirit came on him. 3He raised his voice and made his address: “The oracle of Balaam, Beor’s son; the oracle of a man whose eye is open.24.3 Heb uncertain 4The oracle of one who hears God’s speech, who perceives the Almighty’s24.4 Heb Shaddai or Mountain One visions, who falls down with eyes uncovered. 5How beautiful are your tents, Jacob, your camps, Israel! 6Like palm groves that stretch out, like gardens next to a river, like eaglewood trees that the LORD has planted, like cedar trees next to water. 7Water will drip from his branches; his seed will have plenty of water; his king will be higher than Agag, and his kingdom will be lifted up. 8God, who brought him from Egypt, is like a magnificent wild bull for him. He will devour enemy nations and break their bones; he will strike with his arrows. 9He crouched and lay down like a lion; like a lioness, who can make her rise? The one blessing you will be blessed, and the one cursing you will be cursed.” 10Balak was angry with Balaam. He pounded his fists. Balak said to Balaam, “I summoned you to curse my enemies, but now you’ve given a blessing these three times. 11Now get out of here and go home. I told you I’d greatly honor you, but the LORD has denied you any honor.” Balaam predicts Moab’s destruction 12Balaam said to Balak, “Didn’t I tell your messengers, whom you sent to me, 13‘If Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I wouldn’t be able to break the LORD’s command for good or ill by my own will. I’ll say whatever the LORD says’? 14So now I’m going to my people. Let me advise you what this people will do to your people in the days to come.” 15He raised his voice and made his address: “The oracle of Balaam, Beor’s son, the oracle of a man whose eye is open. 16The oracle of one who hears God’s speech, and understands the Most High’s24.16 Heb Elyon knowledge, who perceives the Almighty’s24.16 Heb Shaddai or Mountain One visions, who falls down with eyes uncovered. 17I see him, but not now; I look at him, but not nearby. A star comes from Jacob; a scepter arises from Israel, smashing Moab’s forehead, the head of all the Sethites. 18Edom will become a possession, Seir a possession of its enemies. But Israel acts powerfully. 19Someone from Jacob will rule and destroy the survivors from Ir.” 20He looked at Amalek and raised his voice and gave his address: “Amalek is foremost among the nations, but its end is to perish forever.” 21He looked at the Kenites and raised his voice and gave his address: “Your dwelling is secure; your nest is set in the rock. 22Yet Kain will burn when Asshur takes you away captive.” 23He raised his voice and made his address: “How terrible! Who will live when God does this? 24Ships from Kittim will attack Asshur; they will attack Eber, and even he will perish forever.” 25Then Balaam arose, set out, and returned home. Balak also went on his way.

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