Isaiah 52 Awake, holy Zion 1Awake, awake, put on your strength, Zion! Put on your splendid clothing, Jerusalem, you holy city; for the uncircumcised and unclean will no longer come into you. 2Shake the dust off yourself; rise up; sit enthroned, Jerusalem. Loose the bonds from your neck, captive Daughter Zion! 3The LORD proclaims: You were sold for nothing, and you will be redeemed without money. 4The LORD God proclaims: Long ago my people went down to reside in Egypt. Moreover, Assyria has oppressed them without cause. 5And now what have I here? says the LORD. My people are taken away for nothing. Their rulers wail, says the LORD, and continually all day long my name is despised. 6Therefore, my people will know my name on that day; I’m the one who promises it; I’m here. Your God rules 7How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of a messenger who proclaims peace, who brings good news, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God rules!” 8Listen! Your lookouts lift their voice; they sing out together! Right before their eyes they see the LORD returning to Zion. 9Break into song together, you ruins of Jerusalem! The LORD has comforted his people and has redeemed Jerusalem. 10The LORD has bared his holy arm in view of all the nations; all the ends of the earth have seen our God’s victory. 11Depart! Depart! Go out from there! Unclean! Don’t touch! Get out of that place; purify yourselves, carriers of the LORD’s equipment! 12You won’t go out in a rush, nor will you run away, because the one going before you is the LORD; your rear guard is the God of Israel. Suffering servant 13Look, my servant will succeed. He will be exalted and lifted very high. 14Just as many were appalled by you, he too appeared disfigured, inhuman, his appearance unlike that of mortals. 15But he will astonish many nations. Kings will be silenced because of him, because they will see what they haven’t seen before; what they haven’t heard before, they will ponder. Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. https://temtube.com/