1The Lord God said to my Lord, 110:1 The Lord is God’s own name. ‘My Lord’ means ‘My master’. Jesus used the words from this…
Continue Reading....Month: July 2023
What is Psalms 109 and Luke 6:36
1You are the God that I praise. Let me hear you speak! 2 Wicked people are saying bad things against me. They are telling lies…
Continue Reading....What is Psalms 108 and 1 Timothy 4:12
1God, I have decided to trust you always. I will sing songs to praise you, with all that I am. 2I will pick up my…
Continue Reading....What is Psalms 107 and Nahum 1:7
1Thank the Lord because he is good. His faithful love for his people continues for ever. 2Everyone that the Lord has rescued should tell others.…
Continue Reading....What is Psalms 106 and 1 Corinthians 13:4
1 Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Thank the Lord, because he is good. His faithful love will always be with us. 2The great things that the…
Continue Reading....What is Psalms 105 and Psalms 119:114
1Thank the Lord! Make his name famous! Tell people in all the nations what he has done. 2Sing songs and make music to praise him!…
Continue Reading....What is Psalms 104 and 2 Corinthians 5:18
1I say to myself, ‘Praise the Lord!’ Lord, my God, you are very great! You rule with authority as a great king. 2Light is all…
Continue Reading....What is Psalms 103 and Micah 6:8
1I say to myself, ‘Praise the Lord!’ Everything that is in me, praise his holy name! 2I say to myself, ‘Praise the Lord!’ Never forget…
Continue Reading....What is Psalms 102 and Proverbs 12:25
1 Lord, please hear my prayer! Listen to me when I call to you for help. 2Now that I am in trouble, please do not…
Continue Reading....What is Psalms 101 and Galatians 6:9
1I will sing and praise you, Lord! I will sing about your faithful love and your justice. 101:1 ‘Faithful love’ is the love that God…
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