Who will step up to rule Israel? How about David, the guy God’s been trying to get onto the throne for a while now? So…
Continue Reading....Month: October 2022
1 Chronicles Chapter 10 and Colossians 3:17
1 Chronicles Chapter 10 End of genealogies. Now we’re into the stories. Remember though, these are rehashings of tales you’ll find elsewhere in the Bible.…
Continue Reading....1 Chronicles Chapter 9 and Romans 1:17
1 Chronicles Chapter 9 This chapter begins with a reminder that Judah and Benjamin’s tribes ruled in the Southern Kingdom of Judah until about 587…
Continue Reading....1 Chronicles Chapter 8 and 1 Corinthians 13:6
1 Corinthians 13:6 Back to Benjamin. The Chronicler spends a lot of time telling us what happened with the tribes of Judah, Levi, and Benjamin…
Continue Reading....1 Chronicles Chapter 7 and Matthew 10:16
1 Chronicles Chapter 7 Jacob’s other sons all lived in the Northern Kingdom of Israel, too. There’s Issachar. He had sons who were awesome fighters.…
Continue Reading....1 Chronicles Chapter 6 and Psalms 34:19
1 Chronicles Chapter 6 Time for another one of Jacob’s sons—Levi. No, not the jeans maker. This is the guy who’s the grandfather of every…
Continue Reading....1 Chronicles Chapter 5 and Psalms 28:7
1 Chronicles Chapter 5 Onto Reuben, Jacob’s oldest son. He might be firstborn, but he forfeited his birthright because he slept with his dad’s concubine.…
Continue Reading....1 Chronicles Chapter 4 and Isaiah 54:10
1 Chronicles Chapter 4 Thought we were done with Judah? Think again. The author returns to listing all of Judah’s descendants. We thought that other…
Continue Reading....1 Chronicles Chapter 3 and John 7: 37-38
1 Chronicles Chapter 3 Let’s find out more about this fabulous King David. The author distinguishes David’s sons based on where they were born. A…
Continue Reading....1 Chronicles Chapter 2 and Psalms 23:3
1 Chronicles Chapter 2 Yup, it’s more genealogies. Get used to it. The next few chapters go over the families that sprung up from Jacob’s…
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