What is Psalms 97 and Galatians 5:22

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1The Lord rules as king! Everyone on earth should be happy! The people who live on the shore of the seas should sing with joy! 2Dark clouds are all round the Lord. He rules with justice, and he is fair to everyone. 3Fire goes in front of him. It burns up his enemies on every side. 4His lightning lights up the whole world. The earth sees it and it shakes with fear. 5The mountains melt like butter in front of the Lord, when they see the Lord of the whole earth. 6The sky itself tells us that he is righteous People from every nation see his glory. 7Everyone who worships idols should be ashamed. They should not boast about useless idols! All gods like that will fall down in front of the Lord. 8When Zion’s people hear about it, they will be happy. Yes, the people of Judah will be very happy! They will be happy, Lord, because you bring justice. 9You, Lord, are the Most High God who rules over all the earth. You are much greater than any other god! 97:9 Nations all round Judah had their own gods. Often they used wood, metal or stone to make idols which they worshipped. When God appears, everyone will know that he is the only true God. The Lord God is the Most High God, the God who lives for ever. 10If you love the Lord, then hate anything that is evil. The Lord protects the lives of those who serve him. He keeps them safe from the power of wicked people. 11God’s light shines on righteous people. Good, honest people will be very happy. 12All you righteous people, be happy because of what the Lord has done. Thank him because he is holy. But God’s Spirit causes us to live in a different way. We love other people. We are happy and we have peace in our minds. We are patient, kind and good. People can trust us to do what is right. https://temtube.com/#bible#bibleverse#subscribe

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