1Sing a new song to praise the Lord! All the world, sing to praise the Lord! 2Sing to praise the Lord’s great name! Every day, tell people the message that he has rescued us. 3Tell the other nations that he is very great. Tell all of them about the great things that he has done. 4Yes, the Lord is great! Everyone should praise him as he deserves. People should respect him with fear, more than all other gods. 5All the other nations’ gods are useless idols. But the Lord made the heavens. 6We see that he is a very great king. His holy home is full of his power and his beauty. 7You people of other nations, recognize that the Lord is great and powerful. 8Agree that the Lord’s name is great. Bring a gift to offer to him in his temple. 9 Worship the Lord, who is beautiful and holy. Everyone on earth must shake with fear in front of him. 10Tell all the nations, ‘The Lord rules as King!’ He has fixed the world in its place, so that nothing can shake it. He will judge all the people of the world fairly. 11The earth and the sky should be happy! The sea and everything in it should shout aloud! 12The fields and all their crops should shout with joy! Then all the trees in the forests will also sing because they are so happy! 13They will sing to praise the Lord, for he will come to judge the earth. He is a fair judge. He will judge all the people of the world with his truth. Remember that I have told you this: Be strong and do not be afraid. Do not be weak but be brave. I, the Lord your God, will be with you, everywhere that you go.’ https://temtube.com/#bible#bibleverse#subscribe
What is Psalms 96 and Joshua 1:9