What is Psalms 94 and Psalms 23:1

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1 Lord, you are the God who punishes guilty people. God, show your power to punish people as they deserve! 94:1 The writer asks God to punish wicked people. He trusts that God will do what is right, as the great judge. 2 Judge of all people on the earth, do something! Punish proud people as they deserve! 3How long will wicked people continue to be happy? Yes, Lord, how long? 4Those people who do evil things speak many proud words. They boast about how great they are. 5 Lord, see how they hurt your own people. They are cruel to the people that belong to you. 6They kill widows and foreign people who live in our land. They murder children that have no family. 7They say, ‘The Lord does not see us. Israel’s God does not see what we are doing.’ 8Think again, all you fools among the people! Stupid people, become wise! 9God made our ears! Can he himself not hear? He made our eyes! Does he not see? 10He teaches the nations what is right. Will he not punish you, when you do what is wrong? He teaches people what they should know. 11The Lord knows what people think. He knows that their thoughts are empty. 12 Lord, when you teach people what is right, you have really blessed them. You use your Law to teach them. 13When those people have troubles, you keep them safe. Then the wicked people fall into a deep hole that you have dug to catch them. 14The Lord will not leave his people alone. He will not forget to help the people that belong to him. 15Once again, judges will do what is right and fair, and good, honest people will agree. 16Who would fight for me against the wicked people? 94:16 Now the writer thinks about himself. The Lord God is the only one who can really help him when he is in trouble. Who would keep me safe from the people who do evil things? 17Unless the Lord had helped me, I would soon have become silent in death. 18When I think, ‘I am falling down,’ your faithful love keeps me safe, Lord. 19When I have troubles in my mind, so that I am afraid, you help me to be happy again. 20You will not become a friend of cruel rulers. They make laws that only hurt people. 21They join together to work against good people. They say that people are guilty who have done nothing wrong. They say that they must die. 22But the Lord is a strong place for me. Yes, my God is a rock where I can hide and be safe. 23He will punish those wicked leaders. He will destroy them, because they do evil things. The Lord our God will completely destroy them. The Lord takes care of me, like a shepherd with his sheep. I have everything that I need. https://temtube.com/#bible#bibleverse#subscribe

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