1The Lord rules as King! He wears royal power as his clothes. His strength is like a belt round his body. 93:1 The Lord wears his authority and his power as clothes. Everyone can see them. Nobody can take this power and authority away from God. He has strength to win against his enemies. That is like the belt that he wears. So the world is safe and strong. Nothing can shake it from its place. 2You, Lord, have always ruled as King, since before the beginning of time. 3The floods of water have risen up, Lord. They have risen with a loud noise. Their waves beat against the land. 93:3 The floods and waves may be a picture of God’s enemies. Or they may describe what God did when he made the world. See Genesis 1:6-10. 4But the Lord rules as King high above everything! He rules over the powerful waves of the sea, with all their great noise! 5 Lord, your rules remain strong and true. Your house will always be holy, because you are holy. Words have the power to bring life or death. So be careful if you talk a lot! https://temtube.com/#bible#bibleverse#subscribe
What is Psalms 93 and Proverbs 18:21