1I will always sing about the Lord’s faithful love. I will tell my children and my grandchildren that you are always faithful. 2Yes! Your faithful love will always continue to be strong. You will always be faithful, as the skies will always be there. 3The Lord has said, ‘I have made a covenant with the king that I chose. I have made this strong promise to my servant David: 4“Someone from your family will always be king. They will rule for ever.” ’ Selah. 5 Lord, everything in heaven praises you for the great things that you have done. Yes, your angels meet together to praise you, because you are always faithful. 6In all the heavens, there is no one like you, Lord! No angel in heaven is equal to you. 7When the angels meet together in heaven, they respect you with fear. All who meet round your throne in heaven respect you, as you deserve. 8 Lord God Almighty, no one is as powerful as you! You are always faithful in all that you do! 9You rule over the powerful sea. When the waves rise up, you make them quiet again. 10You caught the monster Rahab and you killed it! With your power, you chased away your enemies. 11The heavens belong to you and so does the earth. You made the world and everything that is in it. 12You made everything, from the north to the south. Tabor and Hermon are happy to praise your name. 89:12 Tabor and Hermon are the names of mountains in Israel. 13You have great strength, and you can do great things. You hold up your right hand, as you win against your enemies. 14As King, you rule with justice, and you always do what is right. You show your faithful love and you are faithful. 15You have truly blessed the people who know how to praise you, Lord. They know that you are pleased with them. 16They praise your name all the time. Your justice makes them happy. 17You give strength and glory to your people. Because you are kind to us, we win against our enemies. 18Yes! Our king belongs to the Lord, and he protects us like a shield. Our king belongs to the Holy One of Israel. God’s covenant with David 19A long time ago, Lord, you spoke to your servants. In a vision, you said to them, ‘I have helped a brave soldier to be strong. I have chosen as king a young man from among the people. 20I have found David, my servant. I have poured my special oil on him, to make him king. 21I will help him with my power, so that he is strong. 22No enemy will win against him. No cruel people will have power to hurt him. 23I will destroy his enemies in front of him I will kill those who hate him. 24I will always be faithful and show him my faithful love. By my name he will win against his enemies. 25I will cause his kingdom to reach beyond the sea and the rivers. 26The king will say to me, “You are my Father. You are my God. You protect me and you rescue me.” 27Also, I will make him my firstborn son. He will be the greatest of the kings of the earth. 28I will always love him with my faithful love. I will never change the covenant that I have made with him. 29Someone from his family will always be king. They will rule for ever, as long as there are skies above us. 30-31But I will punish his descendants, if they do not accept my laws. If they do not obey my teaching, my rules, or my commands, 32I will punish them. Because of their sins, I will give them much pain. 33But I will not take my faithful love away from David. I will always be faithful, and I will do what I have promised to him. 34I will not spoil the covenant that I have made with him. I will always keep my promises. 35I made that promise to David at one time, and that will not change. I promised him by my holy name and I will never deceive him. 36His descendants will always rule. His kingdom will continue to be there for ever, as long as the sun shines. 37As the moon is always there in the sky, to show that God is faithful, David’s kingdom will also continue.’ Selah. A sad song 38But now you have turned against your king. You have become angry with the king that you have chosen. 39You have spoiled the covenant that you made with your servant. You have thrown his crown into the dirt. 40You have knocked down all the walls of his city. You have destroyed all his strong places. 41Every stranger robs him of his things. His neighbours laugh at him. 42You have made his enemies strong, so that they win against him and they are happy. 43You have made his weapons useless, so that he cannot beat his enemies in war. 44You have taken away his authority as king. You have knocked down his throne to the ground. 45He no longer has the strength of a young man. You have dressed him in clothes of shame. Selah. 46 Lord, how long will this continue? Will you hide yourself from us for ever? Will your anger continue to burn like a fire? So you must go to people in every country of the world. Teach them how to become my disciples. Baptize them by the authority of God the Father, his Son and the Holy Spirit. https://temtube.com/ #bible #bibleverse #subscribe
What is Psalms 89 and Matthew 28:19