What is Psalms 141 and Hebrews 13:16

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Protection from Sin and Sinners 1 Lord, I call on you; hurry to help me. Listen to my voice when I call on you.Ps 22:19; 38:22; 70:5 2May my prayer be set before you as incense,Ex 30:8 the raising of my hands as the evening offering.Lk 1:10; Rv 5:8; 8:3–4 3 Lord, set up a guard for my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips.Ps 34:13; 39:1; Pr 13:3; Mc 7:5 4Do not let my heart turn to any evil thing or perform wicked acts with evildoers. Do not let me feast on their delicacies.Ps 119:36; Pr 23:6; Is 32:6 5Let the righteous one strike me — it is an act of faithful love; let him rebuke me — it is oil for my head; let me141:5 Lit my head not refuse it.Ec 7:5; Gl 6:1 Even now my prayer is against the evil acts of the wicked.141:5 Lit of themPs 109:4 6When their rulers141:6 Or judges will be thrown off the sides of a cliff, the people141:6 Lit cliff, and they will listen to my words, for they are pleasing.2Ch 25:12 7As when one plows and breaks up the soil, turning up rocks, so our141:7 DSS reads my; some LXX mss, Syr read their bones have been scattered at the mouth of Sheol.Ps 53:5; 88:3–5 8But my eyes look to you, Lord, my Lord. I seek refuge in you; do not let me die.141:8 Or not pour out my lifePs 7:1; 57:1; 144:2 9Protect me from the trap they have set for me, and from the snares of evildoers.Ps 38:12; 140:5 10Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I pass by safely.Ps 7:15; 35:8; 57:6 Don’t neglect to do what is good and to share, for God is pleased with such sacrifices. https://temtube.com/#bible#bibleverse#subscribe

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