What is Psalms 122 and 1 Thessalonians 5:15

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A song to sing as we climb. 1It made me very happy when people said to me, ‘We will go to the house of the Lord.’ 122:1 ‘The house of the Lord’ was a tent when David was alive. Later, they built a stone temple to be God’s house. 2Now we have arrived! We are standing inside your gates, Jerusalem! 3Jerusalem is a strong city where many people can meet together. 4Israel’s tribes who belong to the Lord go up there. 122:4 There were 12 tribes in Israel. They were God’s special people. They go there to thank the Lord, as he has commanded them. 5Israel’s leaders sit there to judge the people. They sit on the thrones of King David’s descendants. 6Pray that there will be peace in Jerusalem. Pray that people who love Jerusalem will be safe. 7Yes, I pray that there will be peace inside the city’s walls. I pray people will be safe in their strong houses. 8Because of my family and my friends I will pray, ‘Please let there be peace in Jerusalem.’ 9Because of the house of the Lord our God, I will pray for good things to happen in Jerusalem. If someone does something bad against you, do not do anything bad against them in return. Never do that. Instead, always try to do good things that will help one other and help everyone else. https://temtube.com/#bible#bibleverse#subscribe

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