RESH 153Look at my pain and trouble! Please save me, because I do not forget your Law. 154Stand with me and make me free. Keep me safe, as you have promised to do. 155 Wicked people do not obey your rules, so their lives will never be safe. 156 Lord, you are very kind. Please do what is right, and keep my life safe! 157I have many enemies who are ready to hurt me. But I do not turn away from your teaching. 158When I see people who have turned against you, they make me very upset. They do not obey your commands. 159See how I love your teaching, Lord! Please keep my life safe, because of your faithful love for your people. 160I can trust that your message is true. All your righteous rules will continue for ever. Trust in the Lord now and for ever! The Almighty Lord will always be our strong Rock. McNeilly Media
What is Psalms 119 vs 153-160 RESH and Isaiah 26:4