More of Solomon’s Wise Sayings 1Here are some more of Solomon’s proverbs. They were copied by the officials of King Hezekiah of Judah. 2God is praised for being mysterious; rulers are praised for explaining mysteries. 3Who can fully understand the thoughts of a ruler? They reach beyond the sky and go deep in the earth. 4Silver must be purified before it can be used to make something of value. 5Evil people must be removed before anyone can rule with justice. 6 Don’t try to seem important in the court of a ruler. 7It’s better for the ruler to give you a high position than for you to be embarrassed in front of royal officials. Be sure you are right 8before you sue someone, or you might lose your case and be embarrassed. 9When you and someone else can’t get along, don’t gossip about it. 10Others will find out, and your reputation will then be ruined. 11The right word at the right time is like precious gold set in silver. 12Listening to good advice is worth much more than jewelry made of gold. 13A messenger you can trust is just as refreshing as cool water in summer. 14Broken promises are worse than rain clouds that don’t bring rain. 15Patience and gentle talk can convince a ruler and overcome any problem. 16Eating too much honey can make you sick. 17Don’t visit friends too often, or they will get tired of it and start hating you. 18Telling lies about friends is like attacking them with clubs and swords and sharp arrows. 19A friend you can’t trust in times of trouble is like having a toothache or a sore foot. 20Singing to someone in deep sorrow is like pouring vinegar in an open cut. 21 If your enemies are hungry, give them something to eat. And if they are thirsty, give them something to drink. 22This will be the same as piling burning coals on their heads. And the Lord will reward you. 23As surely as rain blows in from the north, anger is caused by cruel words. 24It’s better to stay outside on the roof of your house than to live inside with a nagging wife. 25Good news from far away refreshes like cold water when you are thirsty. 26When a good person gives in to the wicked, it’s like dumping garbage in a stream of clear water. 27Don’t eat too much honey or always want praise. 28Losing self-control leaves you as helpless as a city without a wall. Don’t be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to him.
What is Proverbs 25 and Romans 12:2