Third Vision A Measuring Line Full Video
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Zechariah 2 Third Vision: A Measuring Line 1This time I saw someone holding a measuring line, 2and I asked, “Where are you going?” “To measure Jerusalem,” was the answer. “To find out how wide and long it is.” 3The angel who had spoken to me came toward me, when another angel came up to him 4and said, “Hurry! Tell that man with the measuring line that Jerusalem won’t have any boundaries. It will be too full of people and animals even to have a wall. 5The Lord himself has promised to be a protective wall of fire surrounding Jerusalem, and he will be its shining glory in the heart of the city.” John 16:33 I have told you this, so that you might have peace in your hearts because of me. While you are in the world, you will have to suffer. But cheer up! I have defeated the world.
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