Ezekiel 41 The West Building and the Measurements of the Temple 12I noticed another building: It faced the west end of the temple and was 35 meters wide, 45 meters long, and had walls over 2.5 meters thick. 13The man measured the length of the temple, and it was 50 meters. He then measured from the back wall of the temple, across the open space behind the temple, to the back wall of the west building; it was 50 meters. 14The distance across the front of the temple, including the open space on either side, was also 50 meters. 15Finally, the man measured the length of the west building, including the side rooms on each end, and it was also 50 meters. 1 Timothy 5:1 Do not rebuke an older man but encourage him as you would a father, younger men as brothers https://temtube.com/
The West Building and the Measurements of the Temple Full Video