The East Gate Full Video
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Ezekiel 40 The East Gate 5 The first thing I saw was an outer wall that completely surrounded the temple area. The man took his measuring stick, which was three meters long, and measured the wall; it was three meters high and three meters thick. 6-7Then he went to the east gate, where he walked up steps that led to a long passageway. On each side of this passageway were three guardrooms, which were three meters square, and they were separated by walls two and a half meters thick. The man measured the distance between the opening of the gate and the first guardroom, and it was three meters, the thickness of the outer wall. At the far end of this passageway, I saw an entrance room that faced the courtyard of the temple itself. There was also a distance of three meters between the last guardroom and the entrance room 8-9at the end of the passageway. The man measured this room: It was four meters from the doorway to the opposite wall, and the distance from the doorway to the wall on either side was one meter. 10The three guardrooms on each side of the passageway were the same size, and the walls that separated them were the same thickness. 11Next, the man measured the width of the passageway, and it was six and a half meters, but the two doors of the gate were only five meters wide. 12In front of the guardrooms, which were three meters square, was a railing about 50 centimeters high and 50 centimeters thick. 13The man measured the distance from the back wall of one of these rooms to the same spot in the room directly across the passageway, and it was twelve and a half meters. 14He measured the entrance room at the far end of the passageway, and it was ten meters wide. 15Finally, he measured the total length of the passageway, from the outer wall to the entrance room, and it was 25 meters. 16The three walls in the guardrooms had small windows in them, just like the ones in the entrance room. The walls along the passageway were decorated with carvings of palm trees. Galatians 5:14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

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