October 16, 2024

Thomas McNeilly

Jesus Christ is King

South and north Full Video

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Daniel 11 South and north 5“Then the southern king will gain power, but one of his princes will overpower him, ruling in his place. His empire will be vast. 6After some years, they will make an agreement together. The southern king’s daughter will go to the northern king to finalize the agreement, but she won’t retain her great power. Neither will his power remain in place. In those times she will be handed over, along with her escort, the one who fathered her, and the one who strengthened her. 7“A branch from her roots will rise up in his place. Attacking the army, he will enter the walled fortress of the northern king. He will fight with them, and he will conquer. 8He will even carry off their gods to Egypt, along with their statues and their silver and gold equipment. For years he will avoid the northern king. 9Then the northern king will attack the kingdom of the southern king, but will return to his own land. 10His sons will get ready for war, gathering massive forces. Their attack will be like an overwhelming flood. And they will attack again, taking the battle as far as his walled fortress. 11“The southern king, in a bitter rage, will come out to battle the northern king. He will muster a huge army, but the army will be handed over to his enemy. 12When the army is carried off, he will become confident. He will kill tens of thousands, but he will not stand strong. 13The northern king will then muster another army—this one bigger than the first. After some years have passed, he will attack with a large and well-equipped army. 14In those times, many will oppose the southern king. Violent persons from among your people also will rise up to support the vision, but they will fail. 15“When the northern king attacks, he will throw up a siege ramp and occupy a walled city. The southern forces will not be able to resist—not even its elite forces. No one will be strong enough to resist. 16The one who comes to attack will do whatever he wants; no one will be able to oppose him. He will take his place in the beautiful country, and he will hand out destruction. 17He will decide to occupy his entire kingdom by force. He will make an agreement with him and will give him a wife, intending to destroy him, but it won’t succeed and it won’t happen. 18He will turn his face to the coastlands, capturing many people. A commander will put an end to his disgrace, even though he won’t repay that disgrace. 19Then he will turn his attention to the walled fortresses of his own country but will stumble, fall, and disappear. 20“In his place one will arise who will send his agent to exact a kingdom’s glory, but in a few days he will be broken, though not by anger and not by war. 21A worthless person will arise in his place. Royal majesty will not have been given to him, but he will come in a time of security and seize the kingdom by deceitful means. 22Forces will be completely swept away and broken before him. The same is true for the leader of the covenant. 23From the moment they make an agreement with him, he will act deceitfully. He will gain power at the expense of a small nation. 24He will come into a province’s richest places untroubled and will do what his fathers and grandfathers never could. He will hand out plunder, spoil, and wealth to them. He will make plans against fortresses, but only for a time. 25“Then with a large army he will gather his strength and courage against the southern king. The southern king, with a large and super powerful army, will prepare for war, but he won’t endure because they will make plans against him. 26Those who eat the king’s provisions will destroy him. His army will be overrun. Many will die. 27“These two kings, with their minds set on evil, will sit at one table, telling lies, but with no success because the end will come at the set time. 28He will return to his country with great wealth and set his mind against a holy covenant. He will do what he wants and then return to his country. 29At the set time he will again battle against the south, but the second time will be different from the first. 30Kittim ships will fight against him, and he will retreat in fear. He will rage against a holy covenant and will do what he wants. Then he will pay special attention to those who violate a holy covenant. 31His forces will come and make the sanctuary fortress impure. They will stop the daily sacrifice and set up a desolating monstrosity. 32By deceitful means he will corrupt those who violate a covenant, but the people who acknowledge their God will stand strong and will act. 33“The people’s teachers will help many understand, but for a time they will fall by sword and by flame, by captivity and by plunder. 34When they fall, they will receive a little help, but many will join them with deceitful plans. Proverbs 19:21Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.https://temtube.com/

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