Judgment on Sidon and Peace for Israel Full Video

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Ezekiel 28 Judgment on Sidon and Peace for Israel 20 The Lord said: 21Ezekiel, son of man, condemn the city of Sidon 22and tell its people: I, the Lord God, am your enemy! People will praise me when I punish you, and they will see that I am holy. 23I will send deadly diseases to wipe you out, and I will send enemies to invade and surround you. Your people will be killed, and you will know that I am the Lord. 24When that happens, the people of Israel will no longer have cruel neighbors that abuse them and make them feel as though they are in a field of thorns and briers. And the Israelites will know that I, the Lord God, have done these things. 1 John 4:19 We love because he first loved us. https://temtube.com/

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