Jeremiah’s Fifth Complaint Full Video
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Jeremiah 20 Jeremiah’s Fifth Complaint 7Lord, you tricked me, and I was fooled. You are stronger than I am. So you won. I have become a joke. Everyone makes fun of me all day long. 8Every time I speak, I shout. I am always shouting about violence and destruction. I tell the people about the message I received from the Lord. But this only brings me insults. The people make fun of me all day long. 9Sometimes I say to myself, “I will forget about the Lord. I will not speak anymore in his name.” But then the Lord’s message becomes like a burning fire inside me. It feels like it burns deep within my bones. I get tired of trying to hold the Lord’s message inside of me. And finally, I cannot hold it in. 10I hear many people whispering about me: “Terror on every side! Let’s tell the rulers about him.” My friends are all just waiting for me to make some mistake. They are saying, “Maybe we can trick Jeremiah. Then we can defeat him. Then we can pay him back.” 11But the Lord is with me like a strong warrior. So those who are chasing me will trip and fall. They will not defeat me. They will be very disappointed and ashamed. Their shame will never be forgotten. 12Lord of heaven’s armies, you test good people. You look deeply into the heart and mind of a person. I have told you my arguments against these people. So let me see you give them the punishment they deserve. 13Sing to the Lord! Praise the Lord! He saves the life of the poor. He saves them from the power of wicked people. John 1:29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!

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