Zechariah 9 Israel’s Enemies Will Be Punished 1 This is a message from the Lord: His eyes are on everyone, especially the tribes of Israel. So he pronounces judgment against the cities of Hadrach and Damascus. 2Judgment will also fall on the nearby city of Hamath, as well as on Tyre and Sidon, whose people are clever. 3Tyre has built a fortress and piled up silver and gold, as though they were dust or mud from the streets. 4Now the Lord will punish Tyre with poverty; he will sink its ships and send it up in flames. 5 Both Ashkelon and Gaza will tremble with fear; Ekron will lose all hope. Gaza’s king will be killed, and Ashkelon emptied of its people. 6A mob of half-breeds will settle in Ashdod, and the Lord himself will rob Philistia of pride. 7No longer will the Philistines eat meat with blood in it or any unclean food. They will become part of the people of our God from the tribe of Judah. And God will accept the people of Ekron, as he did the Jebusites. 8God says, “I will stand guard to protect my temple from those who come to attack. I know what’s happening, and no one will mistreat my people ever again.” Matthew 7:13 Go in through the narrow gate. The gate to destruction is wide, and the road that leads there is easy to follow. A lot of people go through that gate. https://temtube.com/
Israel’s Enemies Will Be Punished Full Video