Protection and Forgiveness 1 On that day, Leviathan, the sea monster, will squirm and try to escape, but the Lord will kill him with a…
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What is Isaiah 26 and 1 John 4:15
A Song of Victory 1The time is coming when the people of Judah will sing this song: “Our city is protected. The Lord is our…
Continue Reading....What is Isaiah 25 and Matthew 6:25
A Prayer of Thanks to God 1You, Lord, are my God! I will praise you for doing the wonderful things you had planned and promised…
Continue Reading....What is Isaiah 24 and Isaiah 40:3
The Earth Will Be Punished 1The Lord is going to twist the earth out of shape and turn it into a desert. Everyone will be…
Continue Reading....What is Isaiah 23 and 1 Corinthians 13:13
The City of Tyre Will Be Punished 1 This is a message from distant islands about the city of Tyre: Cry, you seagoing ships! Tyre…
Continue Reading....What is Isaiah 22 and Psalms 147:11
Trouble in Vision Valley 1This is a message about Vision Valley: Why are you celebrating on the flat roofs of your houses? 2Your city is…
Continue Reading....What is Isaiah 21 and Hebrews 10:23
The Fall of Babylonia 1This is a message about a desert beside the sea: Enemies from a hostile nation attack like a whirlwind from the…
Continue Reading....What is Isaiah 20 and 1 Peter 3:15
Isaiah Acts Out the Defeat of Egypt and Ethiopia 1King Sargon of Assyria gave orders for his army commander to capture the city of Ashdod.…
Continue Reading....What is Isaiah 19 and Deuteronomy 31:6
Egypt Will Be Punished 1 This is a message about Egypt: The Lord comes to Egypt, riding swiftly on a cloud. The people are weak…
Continue Reading....What is Isaiah 18 and Isaiah 40:31
Ethiopia Will Be Punished 1 Downstream from Ethiopia lies the country of Egypt, swarming with insects. 2Egypt sends messengers up the Nile River on ships…
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