be completely humble and gentle bearing with one another in love
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Psalm 107:9 verse of the day
for he satisfies the thirsty and feels the hungry with good things
Continue Reading....Colossians 2:6 verse of the day
so then just as you’ve received Christ Jesus as Lord continue to live in him
Continue Reading....1 John 2:25 verse of the day
and this is the promise he himself made to us eternal life
Continue Reading....Psalm 62:5 verse of the day
find rest oh my soul in God alone my Hope comes from him
Continue Reading....Psalm 62:11 verse of the day
one thing God has spoken two things that I have heard that you o Lord are strong
Continue Reading....Romans 8:37 verse of the day
no in all things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us
Continue Reading....Psalm 138: 3 verse of the day
when I pray you answer me and encourage me by giving me the strength that I need
Continue Reading....Matthew 6:14 verse of the day
you’re heavenly father will forgive you if you forgive those who sin against you
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