Genesis 34 the rape of Dinah please remember to watch this video and to write comment subscribe thank you for watching my videos on my…
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Matthew 7:12 NIV verse of the day
so in everything due to others what you would have them do to you for this sums up the law and the profits thank you…
Continue Reading....Genesis 33 Jacob meets Esau
Genesis 33 Jacob meets Esau thank you for watching this video please remember to like comment share the video and also subscribe to my channel…
Continue Reading....Matthew 5:4 NIV verse of the day
blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted thank you for watching this video please remember to like comment share and also please…
Continue Reading....Genesis 32 Jacob prepares to meet Esau
Genesis 32 Jacob prepares to meet Esau thank you for watching this video please remember to like comment share and subscribe to my channel for…
Continue Reading....Genesis 31 Jacob runs away
Genesis 31 Jacob runs away thank you for watching this video please remember to like comment share this video and also please subscribe to the…
Continue Reading....Psalm 145:18 ESV verse of the day
the Lord is near to all who call on him to all who call on him in truth thank you for watching the video please…
Continue Reading....Matthew 9:37 and 38 NIV verse of the day
then he said to his disciples the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few ask the lord of the harvest therefore to send out…
Continue Reading....Genesis 30 Jacob’s family
Genesis 30 Jacob’s family thank you for watching this video please remember to like comment and subscribe and if you would please also subscribe to…
Continue Reading....Genesis chapter 29 Jacob and laban
Genesis chapter 29 Jacob and Laban thank you for watching this video please remember to like comment share and also subscribe to my channel for…
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