Genesis 50 Joseph’s promise to his brothers as always thank you for watching this video please remember to like comment and share the video and…
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Philippians 2:13 NIV verse of the day
for it is God who works in you to Will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose as always thank you for…
Continue Reading....Genesis 49 Jacob blesses his sons
Genesis 49 Jacob blesses his sons as always thank you for watching this video and remember to like comment share and also subscribe to my…
Continue Reading....Isaiah 26:3 CEV verse of the day
the Lord gives perfect peace to those whose face is firm thank you for watching this video as always please remember to like comment and…
Continue Reading....Genesis 48 Jacob blesses Joseph’s two sons
Genesis 48 Jacob blesses Joseph’s two sons thank you for watching this video as always please remember to like comment and share this video and…
Continue Reading....Genesis 47 Joseph went to pharaoh
Genesis 47 Joseph went to pharaoh thank you for watching this video as always please remember to like comment and share and also subscribe to…
Continue Reading....Proverbs 17:28 NIV verse of the day
even fools are thought wise if they keep silent and discerning if they hold their tongues thank you for watching this video as always please…
Continue Reading....Genesis 46 Jacob’s journey to Egypt
Genesis 46 Jacob’s journey to Egypt thank you for watching this video and always remember to like comment and share this video and also subscribe…
Continue Reading....Genesis 45 Joseph reveals his identity
Genesis 45 Joseph reveals his identity as always thank you for watching the video please like subscribe and share the video for more videos like…
Continue Reading....Matthew 6:33 NLT verse of the day
seek the kingdom of God above all else and live righteously and he will give you everything you need thank you for watching this video…
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