Jeremiah 50 Babylonia Is Invaded The Lord said: 41Far to the north, a nation and its allies have been awakened. They are powerful and ready for war. 42Bows and arrows and swords are in their hands. The soldiers are cruel and show no pity. The hoofbeats of their horses echo like ocean waves crashing against the shore. The army has lined up for battle and is coming to attack you, people of Babylonia! 43Ever since your king heard about this army, he has been weak with fear; he twists and turns in pain like a woman giving birth. 44Babylonia, I will attack you like a lion from the forest, attacking sheep in a meadow along the Jordan. In a moment the flock runs, and the land is empty. Who will I choose to attack you? I will do it myself! No one can force me to fight or chase me away. 45Listen to my plans for you, people of Babylonia. Your children will be dragged off, and your country destroyed. 46The sounds of your destruction will be heard among the nations, and the earth will shake. Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”
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