I have fought the good fight I have finished the race I have kept the faith
Continue Reading....Author: Thomas
1 Peter 4:8 Temtube.com
above all love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins
Continue Reading....Psalms 34:8 Temtube.com
taste and see that the Lord is good blessed are those who take refuge in him
Continue Reading....Luke 18:27 Temtube.com
Jesus replied what is impossible with human beings is possible with God
Continue Reading....Romans 12:13 Temtube.com
share with the Lord’s people who are in need practice hospitality
Continue Reading....Romans 12:12 temtube.com
rejoice in Hope be patient and tribulation be constant in prayer
Continue Reading....2 Thessalonians 3:13 Temtube.com
as for you Brothers don’t grow weary about doing good
Continue Reading....2 Timothy 1:7 Temtube.com
for God gave us the spirit not a fear but of power and love and self control
Continue Reading....1 Chronicles 16:11 Temtube.com
seek the Lord and his strength seek his presence continually
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