A Cooking Pot Full Video

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Ezekiel 24 A Cooking Pot 1Nine years after King Jehoiachin and the rest of us had been led away as prisoners to Babylonia, the Lord spoke to me on the tenth day of the tenth month. He said: 2 Ezekiel, son of man, write down today’s date, because the king of Babylonia has just begun attacking the city of Jerusalem. 3Then tell my rebellious people: “Pour water in a cooking pot and set it over a fire. * 4Throw in the legs and shoulders of your finest sheep and put in the juicy bones. 5Pile wood underneath the pot, and let the meat and bones boil until they are done.” 6These words mean that Jerusalem is doomed! The city is filled with murderers and is like an old, rusty pot. The meat is taken out piece by piece, and no one cares what happens to it. 7The people of Jerusalem murdered innocent people in the city and didn’t even try to cover up the blood that flowed out on the hard ground. 8But I have seen that blood, and it cries out for me to take revenge. 9I, the Lord God, will punish that city of violence! I will make a huge pile of firewood, 10so bring more wood and light it. Cook the meat and boil away the broth to let the bones scorch. 11Then set the empty pot over the hot coals until it is red-hot. That will clean the pot and burn off the rust. 12I’ve tried everything else. Now the rust must be burned away. 13Jerusalem is so full of sin and evil that I can’t get it clean, even though I have tried. It will stay filthy until I let loose my fierce anger against it. 14That time will certainly come! And when it does, I won’t show the people of Jerusalem any pity or change my mind. They must be punished for the evil they have done. I, the Lord God, have spoken. 1 Corinthians 13:6 Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil.https://temtube.com/

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