Protection of the Oppressed 1Since my youth they have often attacked me — let Israel say — 2since my youth they have often attacked me, but they…
Continue Reading....Month: August 2023
What is Psalms 128 and Matthew 4:4
Blessings for Those Who Fear God 1How happy is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways!Ps 112:1; 119:1,3 2You will surely eat…
Continue Reading....What is Psalms 127 and Luke 1:37
The Blessing of the Lord 1Unless the Lord builds a house, its builders labor over it in vain;Ps 78:69 unless the Lord watches over a…
Continue Reading....What is Psalms 126 and James 1:22
Zion’s Restoration 1When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion,126:1 Or Lord returned those of Zion who had been captives we were like those who…
Continue Reading....What is Psalms 125 and Romans 15:4
Israel’s Stability 1Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion. It cannot be shaken; it remains forever.Ps 46:5 2The mountains surround Jerusalem and…
Continue Reading....What is Psalms 124 and Psalms 119:105
The Lord Is on Our Side 1If the Lord had not been on our side — let Israel say — 2if the Lord had not been on…
Continue Reading....What is Psalms 123 and John 1:1
Servants of the Lord 1I look up to you, God, as you rule from your throne in heaven. 2Yes, our eyes look up to the…
Continue Reading....What is Psalms 122 and 1 Thessalonians 5:15
A song to sing as we climb. 1It made me very happy when people said to me, ‘We will go to the house of the…
Continue Reading....What is Psalms 121 and Colossians 1:13
Only God can keep me safe 1As I travel, I look up towards the hills. I will find no help there. 2My help comes from…
Continue Reading....What is Psalms 120 and James 5:16
Lord, please help me 1I cried to the Lord to help me in my trouble. He answered me. 2I prayed, ‘Lord, keep me safe from…
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