Job Hates His Life Job continues his bumming out session, asking God why he would oppress the people who love him. Doesn’t really seem like…
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How to understand Job Chapter 9 and John 10:10
Job Regrets the Man-God Connection Job wants a mediator. Can’t someone just judge who’s right—him or God? Because really, if God is omniscient and omnipotent,…
Continue Reading....How to understand Job Chapter 8 and 2 Timothy 1:7
Enter Bildad, Stage Left Bildad (friend #2) tells Job to repent. Why? He thinks it could have been his kids who sinned and brought this…
Continue Reading....How to understand Job Chapter 7 and Proverbs 29:25
The Pained Spirit Job decides he won’t take this lying down. This is his “why me?” moment. He asks God why he specifically has become…
Continue Reading....How to understand Job Chapter 6 and 1 Corinthians 15:58
Job Hits Back Job isn’t buying it. He’s in pain, he’s covered with sores and ashes, and he wants some answers. His complaint is valid,…
Continue Reading....How to understand Job Chapter 5 and James 1:2
Eliphaz Decides God’s Punishment is Good for Job Eliphaz is still chatting away. Now he says that God doles out both good and bad, and…
Continue Reading....How to understand Job Chapter 4 and Psalms 40:1
Eliphaz Calls Angels “Bad Flyers” Breaking the silence, Eliphaz throws his two cents in. He says that Job must have done something wrong to merit…
Continue Reading....How to understand Job Chapter 3 and Matthew 19:26
Job Calls His Birthday a “Crummy Holiday” Suddenly, the text moves from prose to poetry. Job cries out that he is in pain, and rues…
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