2 Chronicles Chapter 12 About five years into his reign, Rehoboam turns his back on God. So does the rest of Israel. This just so…
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2 Chronicles Chapter 11 and Matthew 6:3
2 Chronicles Chapter 11 It’s not all bad news for Rehoboam. Once he gets to Jerusalem, he’s able to get the tribes of Judah and…
Continue Reading....2 Chronicles Chapter 10 and Hebrews 11:1
2 Chronicles Chapter 10 After Solomon dies, his son Rehoboam ascends to the throne of Israel. When a man named Jeroboam hears about the new…
Continue Reading....2 Chronicles Chapter 9 and Isaiah 40:3
2 Chronicles Chapter 9 The Queen of Sheba hears all about how amazingly wise and wealthy Solomon is. So she travels from Ethiopia to check…
Continue Reading....2 Chronicles Chapter 8 and Numbers 6:24
2 Chronicles Chapter 8 During the 20 years it takes Solomon to build the Temple and his own palace (guess it wasn’t as quick as…
Continue Reading....2 Chronicles Chapter 7 and Galatians 6:10
2 Chronicles Chapter 7 Just as Solomon finishes his speech, a huge ball of fire flies down from heaven and lights all the burnt sacrifices…
Continue Reading....2 Chronicles Chapter 6 and Psalms 9:1
2 Chronicles Chapter 6 Now it’s time for Solomon to make a royal speech. He stands up on a platform made of bronze and addresses…
Continue Reading....2 Chronicles Chapter 5 and Psalms 23:6
2 Chronicles Chapter 5 Solomon starts on the last step in finishing the Temple. He has the Ark of the Covenant brought into the Temple…
Continue Reading....2 Chronicles Chapter 4 and Psalms 119:2
2 Chronicles Chapter 4 But the Temple finery doesn’t end there. Inside, there’s an altar made of bronze. And a ginormous basin for the priests…
Continue Reading....2 Chronicles Chapter 3 and Mark 16:15
2 Chronicles Chapter 3 Construction on the Temple begins. Solomon’s careful to put the Temple on the exact site that God told David to build…
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