1 Chronicles Chapter 1 The author begins this book with a genealogy. Actually, a whole lot of genealogies. Hey, there’s nothing like nine chapters of…
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2 Kings Chapter 25 and Romans 15:5
2 Kings Chapter 25 In the ninth year of his reign, Zedekiah rebels and Nebuchadnezzar besieges Jerusalem for two whole years. The famine grows extremely…
Continue Reading....2 Kings Chapter 24 and Hebrews 12:11
2 Kings Chapter 24 King Nebuchadnezzar starts reigning on Babylon. Jehoiakim is his servant or vassal for three years, but then rebels against him. God…
Continue Reading....2 Kings Chapter 23 and John 5:24
2 Kings Chapter 23 Josiah gathers together the elders of Judah and leads them, along with all the inhabitants of Judah and all the priests…
Continue Reading....2 Kings Chapter 22 and Proverbs 1:7
2 Kings Chapter 22 Josiah starts reigning as an eight-year-old boy and rules for thirty-one years. Departing radically from the ways of his dad and…
Continue Reading....2 Corinthians 9:7
2 Corinthians 9:7 Remember: A stingy planter gets a stingy crop; a lavish planter gets a lavish crop. I want each of you to take…
Continue Reading....John 1:5
John 1:5 Everything was created through him; nothing—not one thing!— came into being without him. What came into existence was Life, and the Life was…
Continue Reading....Matthew 5:8
Matthew 5:8 You’re blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world. https://temtube.com/
Continue Reading....James 5:16
James 5:16 Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole…
Continue Reading....Luke 12:40
Luke 12:40 You know that if the house owner had known what night the burglar was coming, he wouldn’t have stayed out late and left…
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