2 Kings Chapter 21 Manasseh starts reigning over Judah at the age of twelve and continues for fifty-five years. Unlike his father, he’s a bad…
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2 Kings Chapter 20 and John 14:27
2 Kings Chapter 20 When Hezekiah grows sick and near death, Isaiah comes to him and tells him that God says it’s his time to…
Continue Reading....2 Kings Chapter 19 and Isaiah 6:8
2 Kings Chapter 19 Hezekiah is disturbed by his servants’ news, tears his own clothes (man, doesn’t anyone respect the threads around here?), dons sackcloth…
Continue Reading....2 Kings Chapter 18 and Romans 8:31
2 Kings Chapter 18 In the third year of Hoshea’s reign in Israel, Ahaz’s son Hezekiah rules as king in Judah. Unlike his father, Hezekiah…
Continue Reading....2 Kings Chapter 17 and 2 Chronicles 7:14
2 Kings Chapter 17 Twelve years into Ahaz’s reign in Judah, Hoshea starts up as king in Israel. He continues doing evil religious practices—presumably the…
Continue Reading....2 Kings Chapter 16 and 1 John 2:6
2 Kings Chapter 16 Ahaz is, however, a bad king, breaking Judah’s record of good kings up to this point. He even goes so far…
Continue Reading....2 Kings Chapter 15 and Matthew 7: 13-14
2 Kings Chapter 15 Twenty-seven years into Jeroboam II’s reign in Israel, King Azariah starts his reign in Judah. He’s sixteen when he starts his…
Continue Reading....2 Kings Chapter 14 and John 15:4
2 Kings Chapter 14 In the second year of Jehoash’s reign in Israel, Joash’s son Amaziah starts to reign in Judah. He begins when he’s…
Continue Reading....2 Kings Chapter 13 and Galatians 6:2
2 Kings Chapter 13 Twenty-three years into Joash’s reign, Jehoahaz succeeds his father Jehu as the new king of Israel. Like his dad, he doesn’t…
Continue Reading....2 Kings Chapter 12 and Psalms 8:3-4
2 Kings Chapter 12 Joash starts reigning seven years into Jehu’s reign and continues for forty years. He ends up being one of the somewhat…
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