Ephesians 2:8-9 CEV 8You were saved by faith in God, who treats us much better than we deserve. This is God’s gift to you, and…
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Leviticus 19 I’m God your God
Leviticus 19 “I Am God, Your God” 1-2God spoke to Moses: “Speak to the congregation of Israel. Tell them, Be holy because I, God, your…
Continue Reading....John 7:38 CEV verse of the day
38 Have faith in me, and you will have life-giving water flowing from deep inside you, just as the Scriptures say.” https://temtube.com/
Continue Reading....Leviticus 18 sex
Leviticus 18 Sex 1-5God spoke to Moses: “Speak to the People of Israel. Tell them, I am God, your God. Don’t live like the people…
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