the Lord is like a father to his children tender and compassionate to those who fear him thank you for watching this video don’t forget…
Continue Reading....Month: October 2021
Matthew 7:7 NIV verse of the day
ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be open to you thank you as…
Continue Reading....Exodus chapter 25 gifts offered for the dwelling
Exodus 25 gifts offered for the dwelling thank you very much for watching this video please remember to like comment and subscribe to the channel…
Continue Reading....Proverbs 19:21 NLT verse of the day
you can make many plans but God’s purpose will prevail thank you for watching this video as always please remember to like comment share and…
Continue Reading....Exodus 24 the covenant confirmed
Exodus 24 the covenant confirmed thank you for watching this video please remember to like comment share and please subscribe to the channel for more…
Continue Reading....James 1:19 ESV verse of the day
know this my beloved Brothers let every person be quick to hear slow to speak slow to anger thank you for watching this video please…
Continue Reading....Exodus 23 God’s law for what is fair and kind
Exodus 23 please remember to watch this video and like comment and share on it thank you very much for more videos like this one…
Continue Reading....Matthew 6:19 NIV verse of the day
do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth when Moths and vermin destroy and where thieves break in and steal please watch the video…
Continue Reading....Exodus chapter 22
Exodus chapter 22 as always thank you for watching this video please remember to like comment and share the video for more videos like this…
Continue Reading....Psalms 23:6 NLT verse of the day
surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life and I will live in the house of the Lord…
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