Micah 2 Leaders unwilling to hear God’s word 6“They mustn’t preach!” so they preach. “They mustn’t preach of such things! Disgrace won’t overtake us.” 7(Should this be said, house of Jacob?) “Is the LORD’s patience cut short? Are these his deeds?” Don’t my words help the one who behaves righteously? 8But yesterday, my people, the LORD rose up as an enemy. You strip off the glorious clothes from trusting passersby, those who reject war. 9You drive out the women of my people, each from her cherished house; from their young children you take away my splendor forever. 10Rise up and go! This can’t be the resting place; because of its uncleanness, it destroys and the destruction is horrific. 11If someone were to go about inspired and say deceitfully: “I will preach to you for wine and liquor,” such a one would be the preacher for this people! John 9:37 Jesus said, “You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you.” https://temtube.com/
Leaders unwilling to hear God’s word Full Video